Microdosing nootropics
Dr. Corneliu Giurgea first coined the term “nootropics” in 1972 by combining the Greek words for “mind” (nous) and “direction” or “flexibility” (tropos). He researched nootropics with respect to their ability to benefit memory and enhance cognitive processes.
There are a wide variety of products classified under the name of nootropics. The ones that have been most widely studied and shown to offer real mental health benefits are medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps mushroom and lion’s mane mushroom.
Many of the benefits of these mushrooms have been documented in the scientific literature:
- They have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, fighting cognitive decline in older adults.
- They have antioxidant properties and promote brain irrigation, improving concentration and cognitive performance.
- They regulate cortisol levels, reducing stress and chronic fatigue.

Main uses
Due to their properties, nootropic products are often used by people who want to improve their cognitive performance and protect themselves from stress and fatigue.
Consumption of these mushrooms in microdoses will provide very tangible benefits: improved concentration and memory, decreased stress and greater recovery of the nervous system (highly valued by professionals who want to improve their work performance).
Unlike caffeine, which, although in principle it can improve concentration and mood, also causes tension and nervousness in many people, and like all stimulants, it causes a rebound effect that causes accumulated fatigue to appear when its effects dissipate. Instead, microdosing nootropics has the benefits of caffeine without the rebound effect of stimulants.
In addition, two active compounds from the lion’s mane mushroom, hericenones and erinacines, have been studied for their effects on brain health. Research reported in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms determined that these substances promote neurogenesis and help repair the nervous system. Which makes it a great ally to prevent senile dementia.
On the other hand, animal studies, such as one published in BioMed Research International , found positive results in combating Alzheimer’s disease, reducing symptoms of memory loss and neuronal damage.
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