Bauhinia Forticata (Cows Foot Leaf) Leaves
Looking for a natural way to balance your blood sugar levels? Our 100% organic, hand-picked Bauhinia forticata leaves from Ecuador may be just what you need.
Native Use
Bauhinia forticata has been used by local indigenous tribes in Brazil for centuries. It is renowned for its impressive powers and has been traditionally used as a blood cleanser, diuretic, and to treat snakebites, skin problems, and elephantiasis. In fact, it is known as ‘vegetable insulin’ due to its ability to treat diabetes.
For over sixty years, people have been using Bauhinia forticata to treat blood sugar disorders, balance blood sugar levels, and reduce other diabetic symptoms such as kidney disorder, urinary complications, and polyuria (urinary frequency).
Traditionally, the plant is prepared by infusing the leaves in hot water and then consumed three times a day with food to treat high blood sugar.
Scientific Information
Recent studies have confirmed the efficacy of Bauhinia Forticata in reducing blood sugar levels and its antioxidant effect. The leaves are rich in an antibacterial chemical called astragalin, along with other alkaloids, glycosides, and flavonoids. One of these, kaempferitrin, has been found to assist in kidney cell regeneration and induce a diuretic effect.
Other chemicals found in the plant include guanidine, heteroglycosides, organic acids, quercitrosides, rhamnose, and saponins.
Features of Bauhinia Forticata Leaves
- 100% organic
- Hand-picked from Ecuador
- Rich in astragalin, kaempferitrin, and other beneficial chemicals
- Traditionally used to balance blood sugar levels and treat diabetic symptoms
- Prepared by infusing the leaves in hot water
Bauhinia forticata is a small tree that can grow up to 5-9 meters tall. Its leaves are 7-10cm long and resemble the shape of a cow’s hoof, hence its common name, Pata de Vaca. The plant grows in the tropical rainforests of Peru and Brazil, the eastern side of Paraguay, and the north-eastern parts of Argentina. It also thrives in the lush tropical regions of Asia. The plant is known for its beautiful large, drooping white flowers that produce seedpods similar to those of the mimosa tree.
Additional Information
If you want to learn more about Bauhinia forticata, you can visit the following sources:
Order now at Wisdom of Plants Institute and experience the benefits of our high-quality, organic Bauhinia Forticata (Cows Foot Leaf) Leaves