Experience the Power of Caapi & Bobinsana Paste
Looking for a natural and authentic way to connect with the spirit of Bobinsana and experience emotional growth? Look no further than our Caapi & Bobinsana Paste, made from freshly harvested B. caapi and Calliandra angustifolia.
Made with Fresh Plants for Maximum Potency
Unlike other products that use dried plants, we use fresh vines, bark, and leaves to ensure that the ethereal oils are not lost in the drying process. Together with our long-time supplier, a well-known healer from the Amazon, we prepare the Caapi & Bobinsana paste in stainless steel pots, simmering the vines and branches for many hours with plenty of filtering steps along the way to ensure a clean product. We then slowly evaporate the liquid on low heat until it becomes our well-regarded B. caapi and Bobinsana paste. We call this concentrate the ‘pure gold’ of both plants. This B. caapi and Bobinsana paste is water soluble.
Native Use and Cultural Significance
The indigenous communities of the Amazon have long regarded Banisteriopsis caapi as a ‘plant of the gods’. This giant woody vine is known as a Master ‘Plant Teacher’, with many astonishing properties that have drawn worldwide attention. It has been traditionally used by countless South American tribes inhabiting the Amazon for thousands of years. Known most commonly for its healing power, this vine is richly steeped in cultural mythology and tradition. Although it is highly regarded internationally, it is still considered to be a very mysterious plant, arguably one of the most fascinating and culturally rich plants on earth.
Calliandra angustifolia is famous in the Amazon among local people and folk medicine. The Peruvian natives prepare an anti-inflammatory bark tincture with Calliandra angustifolia while other indigenous groups prepare a stimulant decoction of its roots for strength and energy. Many tribes adore this plant as a heart opener and heart energy elixir. It is often described that the Bobinsana lets somebody access ‘blocked emotions and to let go’. Bobinsana usually grows in moist soil along the riverbanks of the Amazon river where it adorns the landscape with exquisite pink flowers.
Scientific Information
Studies have shown that Banisteriopsis caapi contains harmine and other beta-carbolines that have been found to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects. These compounds have also been found to have potential therapeutic effects for depression, anxiety, and addiction. Calliandra angustifolia contains flavonoids and other compounds that have been found to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects.
- Made from freshly harvested B. caapi and Calliandra angustifolia
- Water soluble concentrate
- Prepared in stainless steel pots with multiple filtering steps
- Authentic and natural way to connect with the spirit of Bobinsana
- Potential therapeutic effects for depression, anxiety, and addiction
Experience the power of Caapi & Bobinsana Paste for yourself and connect with the spirit of Bobinsana in an authentic and natural way. Purchase now at Wisdom of Plants Institute.