Katukina Samahuma Rapé: A Powerful Healing Tool
Katukina Samahuma Rapé is a powerful snuff that embodies the female air spirit. This particular variety of snuff is made ceremonially with a higher percentage of ashes, which makes it stronger than other Katukina snuffs. The ingredients in this snuff contain sun-dried herbs that are carefully mixed with the ashes of leaves and roots of the imposing beautiful tree called Samahuma or Kapok tree.
The Healing Properties of Katukina Samahuma Rapé
The Katukina people of Brazil regard the Samahuma Rapé snuff as a great healing tool. They believe it has great properties for the body and mind. Folk medicine holds that it cleans and disinfects the respiratory airways, regulates the auditory system, and relieves headaches. In the mental and spiritual realm, our Shaman friend thinks that it provides greater concentration and learning.
The Katukina People
The Katukina or Catuquinha are an indigenous group that inhabits the southwestern Brazilian state of Acre. They are the traditional carriers of rapé knowledge in the Amazonas region. Chanting rituals and profound forest survival skills keep this group united and in harmony with the rich Amazonian environment they come from. Internally, the Katukinas are called according to their clans: kamãnaua (people of the dog), varinaua (people of the sun), satanaua (people of the otter), and neianaua (people of heaven).
What is Rapé?
Rapé is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America. Predominantly tribal people from Brazil and Peru. Rapé blends contain a ground mixture of plants, tree bark, seeds, and ash. The fine powder is blown into each nostril through a bone or bamboo pipe called a ‘Tepi’ or ‘Kuripe’. The Tepi applicator is a long blow pipe that connects the nostril of the receiver to the mouth of the person that administers the snuff. The Kuripe is for self-application. The V-shaped applicator connects the nostril to the mouth allowing the snuff to be self-blown into the nose.
Features of Katukina Samahuma Rapé
- Contains sun-dried herbs mixed with ashes of leaves and roots of the Samahuma or Kapok tree
- Made ceremonially with a higher percentage of ashes
- Cleans and disinfects the respiratory airways
- Regulates the auditory system and relieves headaches
- Provides greater concentration and learning
Experience the Healing Power of Katukina Samahuma Rapé
Restore your connection to nature and a sense of grounding with Katukina Samahuma Rapé. Clear mental fog and confusion while eliminating negative thought patterns. Experience physical and spiritual wellness with this powerful snuff. Purchase Katukina Samahuma Rapé at Wisdom of Plants Institute today.