Kuntanawa Rapé (Sacred Blend): A Mysterious Blend with Secret Ingredients from the Kuntanawa Tribe
The Kuntanawa Sacred Blend Rapé is a powerful snuff that has a very unique vibration. It is ceremonially made by a Kuntanawa shaman and mixed with special ingredients from the forest. This mysterious blend contains secret ingredients from the Kuntanawa tribe, making it a truly unique and special product.
The Kuntanawa People
The Kuntanawa people were allegedly exterminated during the armed persecution of indigenous peoples in Brazil. By 2008, the population was estimated at only 400 individuals. The last known descendants of this group are members of an extended family known as ‘the Cables of Milton’.
The Kuntanawa tribe’s name was originally spelled Kontanawa, meaning ‘coconut people’. However, the group began to pronounce and spell their name as Kuntanawa more recently. Their language belongs to the Pano linguistic family. In recent times, the Kuntanawa have had a revival of their cultural traditions.
What is Rapé?
Rapé is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly tribal people from Brazil and Peru. Rapé blends contain a ground mixture of plants, tree bark, seeds, and ash. The fine powder is blown into each nostril through a bone or bamboo pipe called a ‘Tepi’ or ‘Kuripe’.
The Tepi applicator is a long blow pipe that connects the nostril of the receiver to the mouth of the person that administers the snuff. The Kuripe is for self-application. The V-shaped applicator connects the nostril to the mouth allowing the snuff to be self-blown into the nose.
Each tribe has its own rapé formula, and usually, it is women who gather the ingredients. The selection, mixture, and grinding process are regarded as a ritual only to be performed by a reputable healer. The snuff is typically made in small batches according to the specific needs of the person being treated or the ceremony’s occasion.
Scientific Information
There is limited scientific research on the effects of Rapé. However, some studies have shown that the use of Rapé can have positive effects on mental and physical health. The plants used in Rapé blends contain compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-cancer properties. Additionally, the ritualistic use of Rapé has been shown to have positive effects on mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Kuntanawa Rapé Features
- Powerful and unique vibration
- Ceremonially made by a Kuntanawa shaman
- Mixed with special ingredients from the forest
- Contains secret ingredients from the Kuntanawa tribe
- Helps to restore our connection to nature and a sense of grounding
Experience the power of the Kuntanawa Sacred Blend Rapé and restore your connection to nature. Purchase now at Wisdom of Plants Institute.