Experience the Magic of Yaminawa Rapé (Pao Pereira x Raiha)
Yaminawa Rapé is a powerful and unique blend of two sacred plants – Pao Pereira and Raiha. This traditional snuff, used by various indigenous tribes of South America, is now available to you. The synergy created in this blend is believed to have special magic properties for the user. The effect can be felt very fast and combines clarity of the mind with the arousal of all senses. In the long term, it is believed to have special magic properties for the user.
Yaminawa Indigenous People
The Yaminawa people, also known as the “people of the ax,” are indigenous to the state of Acre in the Brazilian Amazon. They have several ethnonyms like Bashonawá (opossum people) and are closely related to the Yawanawa people. Recently, they have been developing new models of sustainability to protect the rainforest and engage with the outside world on their own terms, in order to protect their cultural and spiritual identity.
What is Rapé?
Rapé, pronounced ‘ha-pey’ in Portuguese, is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly tribal people from Brazil and Peru. Rapé blends contain a ground mixture of plants, tree bark, seeds, and ash. The fine powder is blown into each nostril through a bone or bamboo pipe called a ‘Tepi’ or ‘Kuripe’.
The Tepi applicator is a long blow pipe that connects the nostril of the receiver to the mouth of the person that administers the snuff. The Kuripe is for self-application. The V-shaped applicator connects the nostril to the mouth allowing the snuff to be self-blown into the nose.
Each tribe has its own rapé formula, and it is usually women who gather the ingredients. The selection, mixture, and grinding process are regarded as a ritual only to be performed by a reputable healer. The snuff is typically made in small batches according to the specific needs of the person being treated or the ceremony’s occasion.
Scientific Information
Studies have shown that the plants used in Rapé blends contain a variety of active compounds, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and terpenes. These compounds have been shown to have a variety of effects on the body, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties. Additionally, the use of Rapé has been associated with increased focus, mental clarity, and a sense of grounding.
Features of Yaminawa Rapé (Pao Pereira x Raiha)
- Powerful and unique blend of two sacred plants
- Fast-acting with a combination of mental clarity and heightened senses
- Believed to have special magic properties for the user
- Made by reputable healers in small batches
- Restores connection to nature and sense of grounding
Experience the magic of Yaminawa Rapé (Pao Pereira x Raiha) and connect with the indigenous people of the Amazon. Order now at Wisdom of Plants Institute.