Experience the Grounding and Focus of Yawanawa Mucura Power Rapé
Yawanawa Mucura Power Rapé is a powerful snuff made with ash from mucura and N. rustica. This blend is specifically designed to provide grounding and focus, making it perfect for those looking to clear mental fog and eliminate negative thought patterns.
The Power of Mucura
Mucura, also known as Petivera alliacea or ‘Anamu’, has a long history in herbal medicine in tropical countries where it grows. It is believed to be effective against witchcraft and is used as a healing remedy and magic ingredient. It is also known as the opossum herb among Amazon rainforest people. In traditional folk medicine, it is believed that when inhaled, it can help in dealing with sinusitis.
Yawanawa Mucura Power Rapé is among our strongest blends, making it a great choice for those looking for a powerful and effective experience.
The Yawanawa People
The Yawanawa are a small indigenous group that inhabits the southwestern Brazilian state of Acre. They are related to the Takukina people and belong to the Pano linguistic family. Their main activity is hunting and fishing, but they also have plots where they do slash-and-burn agriculture with manioc, bananas, peach palm, sweet potatoes, and papaya. Some of their art expressions include the diversity of body paint designs, pottery, and basketry.
What is Rapé?
Rapé is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly tribal people from Brazil and Peru. It is a ground mixture of plants, tree bark, seeds, and ash that is blown into each nostril through a bone or bamboo pipe called a ‘Tepi’ or ‘Kuripe’. The Tepi is a long blow pipe that connects the nostril of the receiver to the mouth of the person that administers the snuff. The Kuripe is for self-application and connects the nostril to the mouth allowing the snuff to be self-blown into the nose.
Each tribe has its own rapé formula, and it is typically made in small batches according to the specific needs of the person being treated or the ceremony’s occasion. The use of Rapé aims to restore our connection to nature and a sense of grounding. It clears mental fog and confusion, eliminating negative thought patterns. These powerful snuffs bring about physical and spiritual wellness.
Features of Yawanawa Mucura Power Rapé
- Powerful blend of mucura and N. rustica ash
- Provides grounding and focus
- Among our strongest blends
- Made by the Yawanawa people
- Traditional snuff used by indigenous tribes of South America
Experience the grounding and focus of Yawanawa Mucura Power Rapé and connect with nature on a deeper level. Order now from Wisdom of Plants Institute.