Nukini Rapé Grounding (Cabrerana x Capirona)
Experience the power of the Amazonian canopy tree with our Nukini Rapé Grounding. Made from the ash of the Mulateiro or Capirona tree, this product uplifts the spirit, invigorates the mind, and awakens the body. The bark of this 30-meter high tree is highly valued by South American indigenous tribes for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is also a known admixture to Ayahuasca, used in folk medicine for centuries.
- Grounding power
- Awakens the body
- Uplifts the spirit
- Invigorates the mind
- Deepens connection to the spirit of the jungle
Our Nukini Rapé Grounding is an ideal tool for clearing the mind of chatter in preparation for deep ceremonial states and journeying. It opens one’s perspective to higher spiritual realms and provides a deep connection to the spirit of the jungle. This product is perfect for use in combination with mother aya.
Scientific Information
The bark of the Mulateiro or Capirona tree is high in phenols, organic acids, and antioxidants. These compounds have been shown to possess strong antifungal and antibacterial properties. They are also believed to have anti-inflammatory effects, making them valuable for medicinal use. Phenolic compounds are known for their ability to scavenge free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to the development of chronic diseases.
The Inga edulis plant from the Fabaceae family is another key ingredient in our Nukini Rapé Grounding. It is ground into a very fine white ash that provides the basis for this Rapé. The Inga edulis plant, also known as Guaba, Joaquiniquil, Cuaniquil, or in English Ice Cream bean, is highly valued for its ability to clear unwanted heavy energy from the energetic field. It also helps eliminate negative thought patterns and emotions, cleansing them from the heart and restoring balance. N. rustica is also an ingredient in this formula.
The Nukini People
The Nukini tribe is a small tribe of 900 people that lives along the lush green banks of the Moa River in northwestern Brazil. Their language comes from the Pano linguistic root, and their rich cultural expressions and genuine lifestyle are all in harmony with the most pristine native Amazon surroundings. The Rapé from the Nukini is known to be filled with feminine power, as women often gather, select, formulate, and prepare the plants for medicines and handicrafts. Many of their blends contain a flowery, fresh fragrance that offers a wonderful sense of grounding and clarity.
This Nukini Rapé comes directly from the Nukini tribe, and it is made by Francisca Nuquini, a tribe elder who has been gathering and preparing sacred plants for as long as she can remember. According to Francisca, the power of the Rapé lies in the songs she sings to the plants before harvesting them and the special manner in which each part of the plant is respected and cared for throughout the entire preparation process. The plant recipes for each blend are tribe secrets that are kept to the women in her village and are only passed on to the following generations.
What is Rapé?
Rapé is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly from Brazil and Peru. It is made from a ground mixture of plants, tree bark, seeds, and ash, and is blown into the nostrils through a bone or bamboo pipe called a Tepi or Kuripe. Each tribe has its own rapé formula and typically, women gather the ingredients and perform the mixing and grinding process as a ritual.
The use of Rapé aims to restore our connection to nature and a sense of grounding, as well as clear mental fog and confusion. These powerful snuffs bring about physical and spiritual wellness, and are considered sacred by indigenous communities.
Experience Nukini Rapé Grounding (Cabrerana x Capirona)
Experience the power of Nukini Rapé Grounding today and deepen your spiritual connection to the Amazonian jungle. Purchase now at Wisdom of Plants Institute.
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