Kaxinawa Cumaru Rapé: A Traditional Snuff Blend from the Amazonian Tribe
Experience the power of traditional snuff with Kaxinawa Cumaru Rapé, a blend of plants, tree bark, seeds, and ash used by the Huni Kuin Amazonian tribe. This unique blend contains ‘Cumarú,’ a common name for Tonka beans, which are known for their spicy aroma reminiscent of vanilla, almond, clove, cinnamon, or even cacao. The fermented Tonka beans in small quantities can help fight fatigue and loss of tone. When used for culinary purposes, it enhances the taste of certain meats or rum mixes.
The Kaxinawá People
The Kaxinawá people or Huni Kuin are indigenous people of the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon. Their villages are located along the Purus and Curanja rivers in eastern Peru and the upper Juruá and Javari river valleys in western Brazil in the State of Acre. Their language belongs to the Pano linguistic family, which they call hatxa-Kuin (true language). Although this Amerindian group has some contact with whites, they still avoid it and prefer to live isolated in the forest living according to its traditional ways.
What is Rapé?
Rapé, pronounced ‘ha-pey’ in Portuguese, is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly tribal people from Brazil and Peru. The fine powder is blown into each nostril through a bone or bamboo pipe called a ‘Tepi’ or ‘Kuripe.’ Each tribe has its own rapé formula, and usually, it is women who gather the ingredients. The selection, mixture, and grinding process are regarded as a ritual only to be performed by a reputable healer. The snuff is typically made in small batches according to the specific needs of the person being treated or the ceremony’s occasion.
Scientific Information
The Tonka bean, Dipteryx odorata, is a hardwood tree that belongs to the pea family. The bean or black nugget inside the ‘Cumarú’ fruit has a spicy aroma reminiscent of those of vanilla, almond, clove, cinnamon, or even cacao. The beans contain coumarin, a fragrant organic chemical compound that gives them their distinctive aroma. Coumarin has been studied for its potential health benefits, including its ability to help fight inflammation, improve blood flow, and reduce the risk of blood clots.
Features of Kaxinawa Cumaru Rapé
- Traditional snuff blend used by the Huni Kuin Amazonian tribe
- Contains ‘Cumarú,’ a common name for Tonka beans
- Fermented Tonka beans can help fight fatigue and loss of tone
- Enhances the taste of certain meats or rum mixes when used for culinary purposes
- Each batch is made according to the specific needs of the person being treated or the ceremony’s occasion
Experience the power of traditional snuff and connect with nature with Kaxinawa Cumaru Rapé. Order now at Wisdom of Plants Institute.