Experience the Mystical Blend of Yawanawa Awakening Rapé with Parica and Bobinsana
Indulge in the mystical blend of Yawanawa Awakening Rapé with Parica and Bobinsana, made by a small group of Yawanawa healers. This rapé is a mysterious blend that is both strong and gentle, with Bobinsana’s basic spirit bringing the magic as it works with the force of love, embracing you with light. It sweetly motivates and fills the emotional gaps in your heart, enabling you to find your individual path. It clears your vision, helping you find answers to your questions.
Scientific Information
Yawanawa Awakening Rapé with Parica and Bobinsana is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly tribal people from Brazil and Peru. The fine powder is blown into each nostril through a bone or bamboo pipe called a ‘Tepi’ or ‘Kuripe’. Each tribe has its own rapé formula, and the selection, mixture, and grinding process are regarded as a ritual only to be performed by a reputable healer. The snuff is typically made in small batches according to the specific needs of the person being treated or the ceremony’s occasion.
The use of Rapé aims to restore our connection to nature and a sense of grounding. It clears mental fog and confusion, eliminating negative thought patterns. These powerful snuffs bring about physical and spiritual wellness.
Features of Yawanawa Awakening Rapé with Parica and Bobinsana
- Blend of Parica and Bobinsana
- Made by a small group of Yawanawa healers
- Strong yet gentle
- Clears mental fog and confusion
- Eliminates negative thought patterns
The Yawanawa are a small indigenous group that inhabits the southwestern Brazilian state of Acre. Yawanawa is freely translated into ‘The people of the white-lipped pecary’. They are related to the Takukina people and belong to the Pano linguistic family. By 1997 total population was around 450 people. Their main activity is hunting and fishing. Although they also have plots where they do slash-and-burn agriculture with manioc, bananas, peach palm, sweet potatoes, and papaya. Some of their art expressions include the diversity of body paint designs, pottery, and basketry.
Based on research among friends, we believe that this Yawanawa Awakening Rapé is a great tool to explore lucid dreaming.
Experience the mystical blend of Yawanawa Awakening Rapé with Parica and Bobinsana and restore your connection to nature and a sense of grounding. Eliminate negative thought patterns and achieve physical and spiritual wellness. Purchase this powerful snuff at Wisdom of Plants Institute today.